Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Be the Ant...

You sometimes make things happen. Or do things just happen? Do we really make anything happen, or do things happen, and we conjure up the illusion that it was all our doing? Who knows? For sure, anything you do is on some micro-level of existence. The things in your life that only you can do. If you don't do them, no one else will either, and then, well, they won't get done. But your reach into the world is almost imperceptible. You know, you do the things you must do, but it's like watching a little ant on the sidewalk carrying a potato chip back to the colony. It means a lot to that little ant, and maybe to all his buddies too, but in the bigger picture, it is not all that consequential. Unless, of course, everything is connected and that little ant and his fruitful journey are wired into the destiny and fate of the Universe. You know this particular ant, this particular potato chip, this exact time & place. A one and only event in the life of the Universe. Was it written? Unwritten? Inquiring minds want to know.  Is it true that all of history, everything that has ever happened had to happen to get this ant to this particular place & time? Fate & Destiny in the driver's seat? And if that ant didn't meet that potato chip would the Universe tilt? Go out of whack? Collapse in a heap? Is that ant navigating God's Channel, riding the Universe bare-back, Indian-style?  Is that how it works? Who knows? I mean, put your head down, and decide to be the ant. To the max. You cling to that chip like your life depends on it, and you go, forward. Damn the torpedos.