Wednesday, March 08, 2023

A Bit of a Hoot...

I am no pampered Prince, no frolicking Potentate, I am basically a working stiff, just a guy, trying to make a buck, keeping my head above water, but yesterday afternoon, I did feel  a bit like a decadent Aristocrat. I was luxuriating in the false flag of being the Caretaker of a large, stately manor on the lakefront, a Man-Friday to an adorable little 4 legged creature, listening to Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds "Push Away the Sky," (2013) on an incredible home stereo system, eating a healthy serving of homemade Chocolate Mousse. I wasn't off the ranch, I had been encouraged to try it by the person who made it. I had one spoonful, thinking "just a taste," but then I ate every last spoonful. Amazing. Magnificent. An uncommon, rare treat. Scrumptious. It almost seemed sinful. Too good. Ha. My old Catholic upbringing kicked in. Too much pleasure must be wrong. I stifled that sneaky feeling of guilt, but I also marveled at the incongruity of my life. I thought of that Oscar Wilde quote: "I can resist anything, except temptation." Yes, I tend to think of myself as disciplined, but when I go bad, I truly go bad. The Bad Boy of Chocolate Mousse. It could be worse, there are many other temptations and poisons that can bring you down. Risky behavior. So, no, I didn't put on a hair-shirt, I tossed that guilt aside, I ate the mousse, swooned to the music, and swanned about like a heady Aristocrat. It was all bit of a hoot on a Tuesday afternoon.