Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Unbidden Beauty...

The last two days, for some reason, I am sensitized to the beauty. Maybe it's the book I'm reading, or the music I am listening to, or something I ate, or, I mean, who knows why? Yesterday, late afternoon, I am riding my bicycle due East, heading to the lakefront. About 2 blocks away from the lake I can feel the air temps change, maybe plunging 10 degrees colder close to the lake. That's nothing new, it's a well-known phenomena, that lake water is super-cold, and the cold air hovers over and around the lake. Still, it was amazing to feel such a quick temp drop. Powerful. I hitched my bicycle to a post, and then looked out at the lake. The sun was setting behind me in the West, but there was a sympathetic glow in the East, a painterly-like wash of pink light, hovering right on the horizon line just below a wash of blue. The lake water was still, no hint of a wave, just a hushed instant, with tiny ripples of water, looking almost like a threaded carpet of darker blue. It was stunning, gorgeous, improbably-strange, a wonderful scene of wonder. It lit me up. The beauty detonated in my being. A small thing, and everything. A moment in a life. A moment of unbidden beauty.