Monday, February 13, 2023


We got out of our heads and into the landscape yesterday. Sunny, all-blue sky, not a cloud visible to the eye. Glorious, brilliant, warming, dazzling, sparkling sunshine. Sunbeams dancing on everything. We biked on the lakefront, and then found a spot, up against a friendly wall, out of the wind, and bathed in the warmth and sun for a few hours. Time seemed to stand still, although, everything around us seemed to be alive; nothing dead, or static. We spoke, sparingly, a few words here and there, no words of great importance. We gave our brains a "time-out." Not exactly brainless, but intently silent in the face of such amazing beauty. What to say? Words just didn't seem adequate to the moment. So, yes, sunshine and silence filled us to the brim. There seemed to be an aliveness in the air. Sort of a Universal Consciousness all around us. Everything overflowing with energy, everything thriving, every blade of grass, every naked tree, every stone, every grain of sand, even the air seemed animated with a brilliance & intelligence. It was a magnificent day. Really.