Friday, January 13, 2023

Swamped by Stupidity...

Maybe there is this fear, a general fear permeating our culture? The fear of "the stupid." Being swamped by the stupid, and being rendered stupid too? You know, like those Zombie movies? Zombies on the rampage threatening to make everyone else a Zombie too. Stupidity rules the roost. The talking heads, those speaking loud words signifying absolutely nothing, pummeling us from all channels and networks. Swamped.  We start to think all those stupid words amount to something. Something more than obvious shite. We start to question ourselves. Maybe "the stupids" are onto something? You know, we are basically "herd animals," there is safety in the herd, maybe all that stupidity is tugging at us, the stupid ones whispering in our ears: "Come on in, the water is warm." It takes a bit of discipline, a bit of gumption to resist, to declare: "That's fucking stupid!" So much of  the discussion is about stupid things that really amount to nothing. Wallowing in stupid-nothingness. A bit of distance and clarity, calmness and silence is in order. We can choose to be smarter. More discerning. Less emotional. Less easily swayed. Less dazzled by all the stupidity. It's not that hard. Takes a bit of time, a bit of thinking things thru. What's real? What's happening? Who is speaking? Do any of their words really mean what the stupid ones want us to think they mean?