Thursday, January 12, 2023

Best to Live It...

You carry on. There is the "stream of life." Or maybe the "dream of life." Bounded by time, and death. "Time waits for no one," & "the Thrasher comes for all." It's Harvest-Time, Baby! Speaking to a friend about another friend's shocking, untimely, death, they surfaced the question: "Aren't you used to it by now?"  Well, you know, not really. You know, but also, you don't know, what time and death really are. They are looming energies; supremely important, but also mightily irrelevant. You have a life, it is your's, unlike any other life. That life, your life, is lived in the here and now. No sense in casting backward, or forward too far. Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen, whatever isn't gonna happen isn't gonna happen. I suppose it's kind of a defiant, lonely position: living in the moment. No reason to judge it, best to experience it in all it's uncertain glory. Put your boots on, get on your bicycle, navigate the day. Time is ticking. Death rides on your left shoulder. Always. No matter. Damn the torpedoes! Let it all come down one way, or another.