Sunday, January 01, 2023

Love the Day...

"Did you make it?"

When I am staying at another residence, as I am now, that is the text I send out to my significant other first thing in the morning. It's one of those little messages in a well-directed bottle. Basically declaring and asking: "I'm OK, are you OK?"

The first day of 2023. Surprisingly, here in the Heartland it is rainy, cloudy, gray, a not so cold morning. Kind of unusual, unexpected, but also kind of nice. A mild start to a new year. 

Can't help wondering what's in store for us all. The last few years have been pretty tumultuous. Maybe that's just the way it goes. We need to ride the waves, navigate the storms, swim to the calm shores. And dream, don't forget to dream.

This is it. It's not a rehearsal, although, we spend lots of time rehearsing. This. Is. It. Life. Our lives. Rolling out day by day.  What is that saying? "Seize the Day!" "Squeeze the Day!" Not too hard. Squeeze gently, you know, almost like an affectionate caress, whisper sweet words of endearment to the Day. Don't try conquer the day, meet it as an equal. Love the day. That's the way.