Monday, January 02, 2023

"It's all about the process." - J. Tweedy

My friend often has dreams with young versions of r&r stars visiting with her in the dead of night; a late 60's Keith Richards, an early 2000's Jeff Tweedy.  A night ago Jeff came to her and imparted these pithy words of wisdom to her: "It's all about the process." My friend wasn't that impressed, but she was surprised the next morning when she heard the 2022 version Jeff on the radio talking about recording the latest Wilco record. He explained that their new album was all about getting in a room, playing live together, seeing if everyone can get there at the same time.

My thought: the deepest wisdom usually does sound sort of lame or obvious. I got that idea from reading David Foster Wallace. He pointed out that those lame, obvious, sort of sappy Hallmark Card sentiments invariably are on target and blandly true.

Anyway, all this is leading up to our day, today. We are heading to a big time recording studio with our band, 8 of us in total, to record a new album of our original songs. It's sort of an ambitious, maybe mad, idea: track 11 songs over three days with various lineups of muscians as live and in the moment as we can without compromising the sound.

We are a bit nervous. But we calm ourselves down by reminding each other: "We are doing what we love to do. What we are here to do." It's bold, maybe nutty, but you know, we believe with our hearts and heads that it is true. 

This week I will probably be keeping a bit of a diary of the sessions as they roll out. "It's showtime folks!" Stay-tuned.