Monday, January 30, 2023

Essential Questions...

"The more you look, the more you see."  Robert Pirisig  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

I first read this seminal novel when I was a 19 year old hitching-hiking across the USA from Chicago to San Diego. I was armed with a back-pack, a change of clothes, a pocket-knife, a couple Snickers bars, a bandana, $100 dollars in my shoe, and Pirsig's book. What the fuck was I doing? Looking for adventure. I was living a bit of a fantasy inspired by Jack Kerouac, Gary Snyder and Pirsig too. Trying to get out of my life, to open the door to new experiences. I think it was similar to what my father was doing when he enlisted in the Army and was shipped off to Korea in the 50's.

In retrospect, for instance, this morning, this little adventure of mine seems a bit wrong-headed, crazy and dumb. I should probably write about it in detail some time. I put myself in harm's way, got into some dicey situations, luckily, by the "grace of god," or just plum good luck, I emerged relatively unscathed. There were some amazingly cool encounters, and I also dodged a few catastrophic calamities. You know, it really was a mad adventure. I had no idea what I was doing, except, going West. I don't regret making the trip, I am still surprised I actually did it. If I remember correctly, I was stubborn and determined, and thought I "had to do it." I wouldn't try that today, and wouldn't recommend anyone else trying it either.  It's dangerous out there, too many lonely and desperate folks out on the roads. I didn't know what I didn't know. It could have been a sad debacle.

Risky behavior. No doubt. Still, I lived to tell the tale.

Anyway, I am re-reading Pirsig's book now. Revisiting it to see if it still holds up, if it still seems wise and amazing. I think, so far,  about 100 pages in, it does. It's a book that asks big questions. The kind of questions you don't usually ask in your day to day, but maybe should. It does feel like it's from a time and place that no longer exists. But, then again, it still seems relevant, ghostly. Maybe even essential.

I think it has thrown me back into a bit of an existential crisis. Not unusual for me. Maybe, actually, my usual mode. Wondering: What do I know? What do I believeWhat the fuck is going on? What the fuck am I doing with my life? You know, deep, kind of unanswerable questions that go to the heart of the matter.

Yes. The book is doing it's thing. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  The more you look, the more you see.  Also, maybe, the more looking, the more seeing, the less knowing? It's that kind of book.