Thursday, November 17, 2022

Signs & Wonders...

I tend to lean to the idea that we live in a Universe of Signs and Wonders. I think it's helpful and hopeful to read the Universe as if it were a poem. A long, rambling, improvisational explosion of energy and propulsion. Human Beings are here to see, to wonder, to navigate the vibes. We are just one of many species, and and one of the great multiplicity of beings who do the same. We observe, watch, take it all in. Best to let it flow within and without. To be here, totally present at all times. We have our own lines to write. We run out our own strings. But you know, this poem is much bigger than us. Best to drop the ego, carry on, enjoy the ride. Notice the beauty, the movement, the transformation of energy. It's the best game in town.