Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Of Course, We Were the Victims...

"I'm a victim." 

Hah. That's from the guy who tried to destroy Democracy in America. He's ranting and railing, huffing and puffing again, does that dude ever shut up, from his garish, no-taste, faux-palace in Florida. On the one hand you think, just forget about this toxic clown, but then again, this creepy dude does command some attention from the worst of the worst of America. It's a relatively small group of folks, but they are loud, and toxic and they sort of hold the GOP hostage to their anger and idiocy. The brain-dead MAGA minions just don't realize how pathetic, ridiculous and frankly desperate, this fat, blow-hard clown truly is.

The rest of us know. Yes. We do. The blow-hard is old news. A multiple-times (can't even count the times) loser. This fucker just has no clue. No. He is not the victim, it is all the rest of us. Anyone in ear-shot, anyone who listens to his garbage-filled blabber, and blubber.  This fat, corrosive cheese is past it's sell-date. He's dead. His movement is dead. The zombie-hordes don't know it yet. Maybe they will never know it.

Like I always like to remind some of my close friends: People cried when Stalin died. Yes. People ran into the streets with tears in their eyes when their brutal dictator and cruel strongman finally gave up the ghost. The type of folks who give their souls to the authoritarian strongmen, fall hard. The Florida creep is on a downward slide to madness and abandonment. Some folks just don't know when to quit. The true believers will never admit they were wrong to support this plague of a human. 

The a.m. soundtrack - What is the antidote to the ugliness? Beauty, intelligence, truth, grace, kindness, love. I turn to the fabulous, and great Icelandic band Sigur Ros. Their music has been so healing, so profound, so essential to my life ever since I "discovered" them in in 2001. This morning it is a thing of hushed beauty called  "Valtari" (2012). Gorgeous. Spiritual. Inspiring. It's like, you know, modern, sacred music.