Saturday, October 22, 2022

Life is Not Money...

They say, "the best things in life are free." Pretty sure that is true. Even in deep in the throes of this great capitalistic empire, it is clear that $ has its limits. 

A sunny day. Sitting in the grass, a warm breeze zipping thru your hair, a long bike ride on a shimmering lakefront, trees swaying, birds gliding in the blue sky, feeling groovy, relatively happy and healthy. Hard to beat it. Can't buy it, you just inhabit the moment. The moment comes free. Life. The good life. Can't put a price on it.

And then, in the evening, uncommonly clear and warm, a night that caresses, you find yourself on stage in a little Chicago saloon playing songs you have written with your partner, playing with your band for a packed room, who actually came out specifically to see your band; an enthusiastic, attentive audience who are with you for every note and every lyric. 

Killer-cool. No doubt. You are swimming in good feeling, thinking you are truly doing what you were meant to do. In sync, in the flow, in the moment. And, you know you probably pay some price, but it's not about that green stuff in your wallet.