Friday, October 21, 2022

A Good and Righteous Vote...

You know, I am dealing with my own warring mind: competing thoughts crashing against each other. Then, I think of my fellow, American-variety, human beings and all their warring minds too. Yikes. Another Election is looming in November. In my mind, it's another in a long string of existentially pivotal moments. Which way is this fledgling Democracy going? Who the fuck knows? The "people" seem confused, riled up, emotional, kooky, disappointed & disappointing, distracted, kind of silly and stupid too. Just like always. Is that too broad-brush? I don't think so. I think of that Temptation's song, "Ball of Confusion."

Of course, as for myself, I can only hope that Democracy Wins. And the only way forward would be to vote for the Democrats across the land. Seems like a no-brainer. The only sane, responsible, life-affirming and righteous thing to do. That's the cold hard truth from this warring mind. Yes. Vote. Vote for the Democrats. Sounds simple, maybe simple-minded. And of course, one vote doesn't fix everything, but it's a way of leaning to the light, embracing a free and fair democracy that is straining to "do better," aspiring to being fully human with human rights for all. I suppose that makes me a rabid "partisan!" Yes. It is true. I am a rabid partisan. No doubt. I have not given up on the good and righteous way.  Born in the USA don't you know?! American Democracy seems like a noble experiment worth keeping. And the Republican party has totally gone off the rails, still clinging to that toxic, terminally-criminal, conman, still denying the reality of a free and fair election, still leaning towards violence and authoritarianism as some zombie-brain solution. It's pretty damn creepy to see Americans clinging to retrograde idiocy and nihilism. Democrats & Democracy for the win!