Sunday, September 04, 2022

Specific Truth Becomes a General Lie...

 “The true enemy of man is generalization.” ― Czesław Miłosz, Testimony to the Invisible: Essays on Swedenborg

The Universe is so large and complex, and interesting, and the World of Human Beings is so contradictory and confounding, and especially when Human Beings speak of human behavior, I think it pays to be  "specific," "the condition of being peculiar to a particular individual or group of organisms." Be as specific as you possibly can. There you will find complexity.

Being as specific as possible gets us closer to the truth. Taking specific cases, and then extrapolating sweeping generalizations might be fun and interesting, and who knows, maybe sometimes instructive, but there is also the danger that the more general you get, the closer you are to obscuring & hiding the truth; you basically end up revealing your own biases & prejudices. A specific truth becomes a general lie. Or something like that. 

I tend to hate generalizations. I also hate the tendency to "sum up." It seems lazy and off-target, and leads to a certain blindness to the richness of life. I mean, that's just me, just living my own specific little life.