Saturday, September 03, 2022

Every Damn Day...

The Seven Deadly Sins: "According to the standard list, they are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth, which are contrary to the seven capital virtues."

Well, yes, believe in sin or not, I mean, you can see that the above list would make for a difficult Journey in Life.  As they say:  The Wages of Sin = Death. Right, we all earn those wages every day, every act, every thought, every desire and intention. Of course, we all die. Sin or no sin. That's pretty much a given, unless there is something we don't know, which, who knows, maybe? Reincarnation anyone?

I don't know if there is an accounting anywhere else except in our bodies, maybe our souls? My motto: everything counts. All that "sinning" adds up. What are sins? The stupid shit we do; the things that harm us and harm others too.  You can see it in a Human Being's eyes, in their bodies, in the way they move, the way they carry themselves, you can see it in everything they do.  The accumulating years, the accumulating sins stick to us like fly-paper.

We all contain "trauma" in our bodies. Some of it is brought on by circumstances beyond our control, some of it is brought on by our own determined actions. You can sin your way through life, no doubt, so many of us do, but of course, you will pay the price. I am not thinking of an afterlife. Not thinking of  Eternal Damnation. You pay the price NOW, every damn day, in every way. You can turn your life into a living hell. Yes, indeed, no doubt.