Saturday, August 06, 2022

The Leisure Class Vs. The Schlepping Class...

"It's all sort of funny, and then, it's all sort of sad. That's life."

There is the Leisure Class, and then there is the Schlepping Class. That's just the way of the world. 

We (my friend and I), were born into the Schlepping Class. We Schlep every day, every moment of every day. Even when we try to emulate the Leisure Class, we are actually Schlepping. Goofing Off is a poor way of trying abdicate from the Schlep, but it is just a temporary blip, a brief looking away from the responsibilities, in a bigger Life of Schlep.

Usually we are schlepping for the Leisure Class. Those folks who are the comfortable "Haves." The most comfortable of the comfortable ones are the ones born into unimaginable wealth. Wealth passed down over the ages. They have always had it, always deserved it, and they are passing it on to their long line of children, and their children's children.

The Schleppers come from a long, unbroken line of Schleppers. We are kind of like the Serfs, The Have Nots, The Never Will Haves. We live in that great unwashed realm of Needing, Wanting, Grasping. We can try. We can hustle, and scrape, and save and promote, and dream. Yes, in fact we are Awesome Dreamers. We are always conjuring Dream Bubbles. These insubstantial bubbles float above us, they sort of guide us and motivate us down the cobblestones, they are what keep us going, always going, forward into the dark night. Still, we Conjure and we Dream while we Schlep. That's a fact. 


Sisyphus would understand. You know, always pushing that boulder up those forever hills, and that's OK. It's good to know who we are, to understand where we come from. We are different from the Rich, from those who inhabit Leisure-hood as a Divine Right. And that is ok. We have learned to Love the Schlep (see previous post). Really. It can become a ZEN WAY of living.  And while we are pushing those boulders up those unforgiving hills, we are also conjuring those DREAM BUBBLES. That's Life. Funny and sad too. Sort of ZEN, sort of Magnificent. Always, always on the Schlep.