Friday, August 12, 2022

Stealing State Secrets is a "No-No..."

Hey Folks - just a friendly reminder: stealing "State Secrets" is a pretty serious crime (for more see the Rosenbergs). You know, if you are hoarding anything marked, "Top Secret," "Classified," "Confidential;" if you have boxes and boxes of those kinds of documents in your basement, don't be surprised if a team of FBI agents comes knocking on your door. Hell, I mean, if they are armed with a Warrant, they may not even knock, and you know, well, that is just the way DOJ rolls.

I mean, it pretty much doesn't matter who you think you are or who you pretend to be. You may be thinking you are some kind of MAGA King, someone beyond the reach of the Law, someone who hovers above everyone else, untouchable, unimpeachable, immune to gravity and the common laws of the land.  But, funny enough, you would be dead-wrong. The reality: if you are an Ex-President, you know an Ex-Anything, you are no different from any one else. AND if you were actually trying to sell any of those docs, or the information contained in them, you would find yourself in a  major, fucking, World of Hurt.  

If it could happen to the MAGA King, yes, well, it could happen to anyone of us.  That is the way it's supposed to work...