Saturday, August 13, 2022

Prediction: Indictments Coming Soon!

If you are paying attention you can watch the disinformation noise machine kick into high gear. It's 24/7 phenomenon. The gaseous-loud-talkers on the wanna-be-fascist, lunatic right have perfected their frenetic campaign of media hacks. Right now, their MAGA King is under threat from the Law and Order Crowd.  One side is armed with hot-air, fury, rage, table-pounding, bad-faith arguments, stupidities, absurdities, wild-ass conspiracies, hard-headed idiocies, more table-pounding, more shouting, more outrage, more confusing, mind-numbing P.R. BULLSHIT.  

On the other side, there is a court-sanctioned warrant, an orderly, and thorough search of a suspected crime scene, a list of probable crimes, a catalog (boxes and boxes) of evidence, a properly-executed legal process.  A mild-mannered AG, a professional team of FBI agents, a DOJ intent on investigating a theft of State Secrets, Obstruction of on-going investigations, Destruction of classified documents, possible Espionage.

Forget the noise, the table-pounding. Check out the real-deal documents, there is a narrative in the docs. If you keep your head clear, your eyes peeled, it is pretty damn obvious that a major shit-load of serious INDICTMENTS will be coming soon. MAGA King is pretty fucked,  no doubt. Sure you can be the King of P.R. of B.S. of noise and thunder, but when the dust clears there is no Empire, there is no King, just a hollow con-man, it's all just noise & toxic gas.