Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Some News Gladdens the Heart...

Hah. The news: The FBI searches Mar A Lago. Some news stories really do "gladden the heart." Lots of interesting terms thrown around this a.m. - "Probable Cause," "Classified Documents," "Espionage," "Prosecutable Crimes," "FBI Court-Sanctioned Raid," "Stolen Documents."

Like they often say (although sometimes you wonder): No one is above the law. Nice sentiment, doesn't always work that way, but it is an excellent guiding principle for a Country. Especially one that is proud of it's Free and Fair Democracy. You know, the idea of that Shining City on the Hill.  We often don't live up to that ideal. But sometimes we really do. Maybe this is one of those cases?

There are No Kings, No Dictators here. Just Citizens. All of us Equal, and responsible for our actions.

So yeah, celebrating this a.m. Pretty sure there are many roads to Justice. One gate may have swung widly open.  What happens next?! Inquiring minds want to know!