Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Loudly Pounding the Table...

Oh man. So much of our culture is about being LOUD and pounding the table; the facts, the truth be damned! Being a Loud, No-Nothing, Totally Self-Righteous and Aggrieved Asshole is a brand. Cable channels, political parties, podcasts, information platforms, celebrities, businesses, are devoted to mind-numbing chatter & deafening noise. There are $$$ to be made, empires to be built by being super-obnoxious, odious, toxic, stupid, and rabidly-foaming at the mouth. Castles made of B.S. Brain-numbing shite. You must get a bit of perspective. Don't let the noise overwhelm you. It is so much "sound and fury signifying nothing."

Cooler Heads, please prevail. Yes, a loud, white, fat man, a famous clown and con-man, illegally took classified documents to his garish vacation castle in Florida (see previous post). A judge signed off on a search warrant to locate and confiscate the docs, and the FBI conducted a thorough search. It's just the normal workings of the legal system and the Justice Department. Remember: NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW. All that outraged, yelling, whining, crying, & pounding the table doesn't mean shite. Don't let the noises from the over-fed, rabid-ones confuse and confound you. The chickens are just coming home to roost!