Saturday, August 27, 2022


A reminder, as if you needed reminding...

You are a guest. A temporary lodger. Everything is here, it is all for you, but for a limited time only. When is your time up? Who knows? There is a "sell-date," an expiration date, that goes with the deal, it is probably written somewhere, maybe on a stone, in a cave, in a land, over the hills and far away. You can imagine. You are that kind of guest. One with ideas and plans and dreams. You are gifted with an over-active imagination. You don't like to count, you try to keep yourself attentive to the moment. Even these fleeting thoughts, these crazy-ass emotions are like flittering little guests, they drop by for awhile and then scurry off. It is a cool, late August morning, and it actually already feels like Fall. The passing of Summer looms. Passing thru. That's the main thing. There is always a movement, change is on the wind. You are here, like special guest, at an unimaginable feast. Here, then in a blink, gone.