Sunday, August 28, 2022


I have a few guide-post ideas, which have emerged/developed over time, attending the "school of hard knocks" (see previous post). I had a long, rambling conversation, via phone, with a long-time fellow-traveller yesterday. It was more of a monologue, I was mostly on the receiving end.

My takeaways?

Life is hard, complicated, tricky.

We can dream and make plans, but then we are in a dance with "reality," and we don't really call the tune. We can meet the day with all we have, then we let it come down.

Everything counts. What we do, what we say, what we think, what we believe, what we dream, what we fear all add up. We carry the weight of it all our hearts, our heads, our bodies, our souls.

What is at play? Luck? Destiny? Will? Imagination? Chaos? Perfect coincidence? Synchronicity? Random-ness?

Who knows? Finally, if we examine the world with our full attention, it's clear we really, really know nothing with certainty. Everything is fungible, marginal, guess-work, hope and chance!