Thursday, July 07, 2022

Yes, Of Course, It's the GUNS!

The nonsense-jabbering, right-wing apologists for the GUN LOBBY DEATH MACHINE want to point the blame anywhere but the guns. But of course, it is all about the guns...

When we talk about RED FLAG LAWS, am I the only one who thinks that owning & lusting after Assault Weapons is a major red flag in itself? If you are a Human Being who has convinced yourself you need to own Assault Weapons, you are exhibiting, manifesting an illness. Pretty simple and straight-forward.

A few pertinent questions from this amateur, self-educated "head-shrinker:"

Are you one of those folks (primarily, almost exclusively young, alienated USA males) hoarding and stockpiling Assault Weapons?

Do you fantasize about death and destruction? Do you get a dopamine kick firing off one of those weapons? Do you fantasize about the apocalypse? Of Jack-booted Authorities knocking at your door? Do you fantasize about a bloody race war in the streets of USA? Do you hate human beings? Do you hate yourself? Do you fantasize about killing yourself or others? Do you hate anyone different from you? 

There is a certain profile of an Assault Weapon Owner. Maybe there are some folks who just think those weapons are cool, but I think it is prudent to suggest that anyone attracted to those types of weapons are suspect. 

Like to get your kicks shooting big, ugly, destructive weapons? I suggest trying other hobbies. How about Frisbee? Hacky-sack? Shuffle-board?  Pick up a Les Paul Guitar and let it rip.  I mean, fuck, get a life.