Friday, July 08, 2022

Finding Peace & Silence...

Mental Health break...

Yes. I do believe we all need one. Too much calamity, too much catastrophe, too much apocalyptic thinking. 

Yesterday, we decided to do one of our classic "sit-downs" by the lakefront. It is a habit we adopted during the depths of the pandemic lockdown days.

What is a "sit-down?" 

Stop by the local convenience store and purchase cold beverages. Bike over to the lakefront. Find a bench looking out towards the vast expanse of Lake Michigan. Depending on the day, you might pick a bench in the sunshine, or the shade, it all depends on the temperature, the tilt of the sun, the direction of the wind.

Yesterday we sat in the sunshine. A big, blue, glorious sky, with a few puffy, cotton-candy clouds above us. A refreshing breeze coming off the water. The beach alive with life. We sipped our beverages, we spoke of everything under the sun, but there were long stretches of silence too. Sometimes the best moments are when we just look out at the scene, take it all in, soak in it, without words, thoughts floating off and evaporating above us in the breeze.

We have convinced ourselves that these "sit-downs" are not just goofing-off, we aren't just being unproductive and lazy, we are  actually doing the important, essential, work: finding moments of peace & silence, absorbing the sights and sounds of a day. Living in the moment. Taking in Life too.

A certain, profound, Clarity sort of emerges unbidden; you let it rise up on it's own.