Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Limits of Being Human...

You are reminded when it comes to the most important things in Life, you are pretty much helpless. We have this illusion of control, but really we are swimming in an enormous river of events, just doing our best to go with the flow, and keep our heads above water. We can't control the flow, maybe we can try to control how we  act & react in the face of circumstances dire and mundane. We basically have to take what comes, try our best to endure. You hear some very distressing news, and you realize, you are powerless to do anything about it, except, Hope for the Best, Think Positive Thoughts, Conjure Up some Healing, Golden, Vibes. So you do all of the above, but you wonder if any of these creative psychic visualizations have any substance or influence in the wider world? Who knows? You think: Everything is Connected (String-Theory!), Everything Counts (a mystical notion - as above, so below). You tell yourself that the Universe is basically a multiplicity of energies; vibes, positive & negative. You are left with Chanting, and Praying, and Focusing your Intention on Positive Outcomes, but these rituals seem sort of paltry in the face of catastrophic events. Another lesson in the reality of being a Human Being in this vast, wondrous, distressing, confounding Universe.