Monday, April 11, 2022

Doing the Work...

The Wise Ones (they will remain unnamed this a.m.) tell us:

"Work on yourselves."

Yes. Indeed. We are all works in progress. Perfection is a flashy chimera shimmering out there on the horizon. Don't let that unicorn dazzle or distract you. Get busy. Dig deep. Notice the flaws, the biases, the contradictions, the idiocies, the over-confidences.

We can all do so much better. There is "clarity," a "quality" of living within reach. Listen. Open your eyes. your head, your heart. Take in the moment. Reflect. Come on, do the fucking work Pilgrim...

The a.m. soundtrack: "Mermaid Avenue" (1998). Listening to this fabulous album this morning, does it make me a better human being? Just listening, just simply paying attention? Probably yes. Woody Guthrie, Jeff Tweedy, Billy Bragg, Jay Bennet, early-edition Wilco. Brilliant, beautiful, so, so human. Makes one feel good, and want to do, and, be, good, too. Eternal Delight!