Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Again, For the First Time...

Maybe best to wake up to every day with Shoshin - "Beginner's Mind"  - "an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions." Sort of a blank slate. This is not "Groundhog Day,"  although sometimes it feels like it. We are not reliving the same day, no, every day is new, unique, and what we think we know about the day, the world, and even ourselves is actually untested & unknown in this moment. We have experiences and memories, but best not to be imprisoned or clouded, or fogged by them. I always think of Firesign Theater's great line: "Everything You Know is Wrong."  Yes, start the day with that, and see what happens. You know, be "certain of nothing," and well, maybe see what & where being alive, aware, awake to every moment leads you.