Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Apotheosis of Ego & Id...

Yes. I met the cultured, privileged Little Prince. He is an arrogant, grand, snotty baby. His oozing contempt for me and, well, pretty much anyone else within his sight was a live palpable thing in the room. It was like being locked in a plush cage with a feral, witchy animal. Something terrifying and magnificent to behold. The Little Prince is someone who has never had to lift a finger, who has always been pampered, fed, buffed and polished. Someone who has always been praised. No doubt, "a genius" a very special, precious and unique entity. Holy Shite, the World should be so grateful that this amazing being even exists, and that he deigns to be alive in our realm. Not Human, nothing like the rest of us. His "black-hole-sun" burning, smoldering silence is an awesome phenomena to behold. Deeply hostile. Steel-hard. Smoking-cold. Miserable. The Little Prince looks right thru you. Say a word to him, maybe a simple greeting, a friendly "Hello,"  and it vaporizes in the air before you. You walk away stunned by this putrid cloud of pure, supremely-indifferent hate (can hate be so indifferent?),  that hangs above him. Maybe he is choking on the fumes of his own self-loathing & self-hatred? Fetch the Psychoanalyst, pronto! This Little Prince wields a grand indifference to anything alive, anything that is not him.  It is the Grand Apotheosis of Ego and Id. So, so funny. Hilarious. Really. Truly. Madly. Deeply. I had to laugh. As soon as I was safely out of his orbit, beyond the clutches of his strange, dark & wicked gravitational pull, I laughed and laughed, deep belly-laughs; and the surprisingly forceful words popped out my mouth, with no fore-thought, I mean, I spit them into the wind, completely unbidden: "Fuck that Guy!"