Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A Hornet's Nest of Twisted Shite...

I often fall back on my go-to phrase: "People are Tricky," (see previous post). I think it is a  quite useful, and true formulation, because it's open-ended, vague, and can account for the crazy-ass spectrum of actions and behaviors of my self, and my fellow Human Beings. Human Psychology =  a hornet's nest of twisted shite. "Everyone has their reasons," and their histories, and their Genetic Blueprints. You know we are the meeting place of Nature vs. Nurture, and when Nature and Nurture collide there will be sparks and blood. We all come from long winding lines of Dead People who also had their loony narratives, dramas and traumas, and comedies and tragedies, and other tales of ordinary madnesses. I do think we carry on the sins of our fathers and mothers. We wear the trauma in our bodies, and in our psyches. 

It is funny and baffling and confounding and sometimes inspiring to come across a Human Being. It is so easy to see all the flaws and foibles and madnesses, horrors and idiocies in someone else. It is instructive. Entertaining. Sometimes horrifying. Harder to see all of this in our own actions and thoughts. We all have our biases and blind-spots, our prejudices, it takes work to try to get past those blocks. I think we read novels, non-fiction, biographies, and watch theater and TV dramas because we are fascinated by what it means to Be Human. We want to see how other people live. What they do, what they think, how they explain themselves to themselves. It's a life-long class. Every day a new lesson. Let's do that Human Thing today and see where it goes.

"Don't be an Asshole." That's kind of a target to shoot for. It's as simple as that. Try to be gentle and kind. Even if the world we inhabit doesn't necessarily value gentleness or kindness. Of course, sometimes you are left with "Fuck that guy," but it's just a moment. And then, well, you know, "people are tricky..."