Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Can't Really Explain It...

Let's just say you had an extraordinary meditation, vision and experience. It was something you consumed and integrated heart, head and soul (see previous post).

You can't really explain it, you don't really know what it means, all you can do is recognize it as a profound experience. You feel that you have changed on a fundamental level.  At the same time, some of the feeling evaporates. That magnificent liberating feeling of transcendence fades in the light of a new day.

You know it was just "pictures in your head," but you wonder why these particular pictures, and how is it possible that it was such a real, overwhelming experience?

Just like anything, add it to the mix of being human. You can't explain it. The mystery lingers. This morning you wonder what Salvador Dali was hoping to convey:

"Corpus Hypercubus is painted in oil on canvas, and its dimensions are 194.3 cm × 123.8 cm (76.5 in x 48.75 in).[4] Consistent with his theory of nuclear mysticism, Dalí uses classical elements along with ideas inspired by mathematics and science. Some noticeably classic features are the drapery of the clothing and the Caravaggesque lighting that theatrically envelops Christ, though like his 1951 painting Christ of Saint John of the Cross, Corpus Hypercubus takes the traditional biblical scene of Christ's Crucifixion and almost completely reinvents it. The union of Christ and the tesseract reflects Dalí's opinion that the seemingly separate and incompatible concepts of science and religion can in fact coexist.[5] Upon completing Corpus Hypercubus, Dalí described his work as "metaphysical, transcendent cubism"."

Yes.  A three-way marriage of Art, Religion and Science. Dig.