Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Good Meditation...

It is a personal thing. A "vision," not so much a day-dream, but kind of like a day-dream. Often I meditate, and I do a little creative visualization while I still my body and breathe deeply. Sometimes I sit, sometimes I lay down, sometimes I fold my legs in a Yoga position.  Still flexible after all these years.

Yesterday, after making my appointed rounds, biking, walking and then a fabulous mid-afternoon lunch, and clean-up time (sweeping, mopping, polishing),  in our apartment, I put my headphones on, propped my head on a pillow, and sprawled across the wooden floor in our living-room. Yes. I often meditate with music on my headphones. I own a fabulous pair of  Grado headphones and I attend to the music as if I am performing a religious ritual.

I played two Sigur Ros albums: Ágætis byrjun (1999) & ( ) (2002) while I meditated. Long, meandering, floaty, "spiritual" music. Symphonic, powerful.

Two of my all-time favorite, must-have, must-play-often, no, must-commune-with, albums, no doubt. 

Majestic, atmospheric, moody, ethereal, enthralling, gorgeous. These records always entrance me. No words. Wordless vocalizations, violin-bowed guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, strings, sometimes horns. Just pure sonic bliss. I often fly when I meditate to these records. I lose myself in visions, in the clouds, blue sky, floating high above the earth. Sometimes I see figures, a Golden Buddha, The Chariot, The Hermit, The Magician Tarot cards. Sometimes a raven, an eagle. These visions captivate me, seem so real, more real than any very real lucid dream.

Yesterday, was an extraordinary experience. I saw myself as Salvador Dali's Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)  I inhabited the character; Christ without the blood, the crown of thorns, the guilt, the suffering, a pure more abstract and surreal Christ. I was flying across the planet, over land, over ocean, in the clouds. I sometimes faced up, looking at the pure blue sky, and then sometimes I faced downward looking at the cities, oceans, mountains, trees, all the little scurrying people. I was the figure on the cross. And the cross was like a space vehicle. It was outfitted with some kind of silent engine, and it propelled me around our little blue planet. I circumnavigated the globe a few times. Breath-taking. Weird. Wild. So liberating, free-ing, powerful and humbling. And unexpected. Astonishing. 

Yes, indeed, that was a good meditation.