Thursday, January 13, 2022

Very, Very Human...

Yes, there is the "doing" and then there is the "feeling," (see previous post). You like to think you can live in total alignment, Heart, Head, Spirit. That all of your actions can be good and righteous, and that you will feel happy and content in the doing. That would be an example and definition of the "Good Life." Magnificent in thought, feeling, action. Totally one. Seamless. There are times this happens, and they are the best moments in your life. No doubt. You have experienced moments like that. Maybe you are lost in a moment, enraptured in Love or a in treasured flow activity: reading a great novel, playing in a band, walking on the lakefront on a gorgeous afternoon with a loved one. Accomplishing something that defines you. Probably, I mean, you are pretty damn sure, you can't manufacture these moments, they just happen, they descend upon you, reveal themselves to you. Yes, a Revelation, an Unfolding, a Blossoming. You think (hat-tip - Thom Yorke): "Everything Perfect and in it's Right Place."

But then, often, the doing and the feeling are not aligned. Heart, Head, Spirit are all a jumble and at cross-purposes. Turns out doing things we know are "bad" feel good, and doing things we know are good can still make us feel bad. Weird. There is Worry, Guilt, Doubt, Sin, Suffering, Pain. Bad Blood. Bad Actions. We can fill our lives up with these things too. They accumulate like jet-trash, strewn around in our sacred spaces. Such a Human thing. Tricky. Complicated. Bi-furcated. A Circle of Hell. Yes. No doubt. We live there too. I mean, mostly we live in the divided, messed-up, cluster-fuck world. We do. We try our best to navigate without losing everything, but it ain't easy.

I think we've created Gods and Demons to sort of explore these realms, these human quandaries, and maybe that is helpful, not sure. It is all so Human, so very, very Human.