Friday, January 14, 2022

Can't Avoid the Mud & Muck...

Positive: "full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence."

Right. Sitting on the mountaintop contemplating your navel might be a better locale in which to cultivate a positive frame of mind. Up there in the thin air, unencumbered by the madness and hurly-burly of the unkempt hordes. Maybe it's bit easier to be in a positive mode if you can avoid the mud and muck of existence; hanging with the eagles, closer to the sun, I mean, it probably helps to situate yourself in your own inner "sunny disposition" up there.

But, down here, in the "real world," encumbered with mud and muck we are. Down here with all the furious, raging, silly people, amidst all the constant "to-ing & fro-ing," all the "needing, wanting, grasping." You may ask yourself, how does a Simple, Humble Pilgrim stay positive? How to keep sunny under the dark, unrelenting onslaught of Hamlet's "slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune?"

Not sure I have a perfect formula. Often I fall under the waves of disappointment and despair. I have to swim upward with a coffee cup in hand, and fill that cup with a caffeinated elixir. Also I fill myself up with Poetry, Music, Laughter & Love. It all sounds big, high and mighty, but isn't. No these are the little things that give one a glimmer of light. Small inclinations & gestures. Tiny things to fill up a Soul & a Spirit. 

You can't take any of that stuff to the bank. It is the "stuff that dreams are made on." They don't stand up under the microscope. Ephemeral, fleeting, incandescent. Things that flash, shine, and glitter, and fill you up. Illuminate and animate a being. Wondrous. No doubt.