Monday, November 01, 2021

The Warm Glow of Love...

Feeling pretty magnificent this morning. We had a a rousing good r&r show yesterday afternoon, at a cool artisanal brewery. Satisfying. It was the first indoor show we've had since a month or two before the Pandemic lockdown in 2020. Every table and chair was filled. A full-house on Halloween, which seemed like a heavy lift. Turns out we do have fans who will follow us around on our little mini-tour. Some came in costumes, everyone came to enjoy the music, and community of artistic souls. We all wore masks indoors, but you know, all seemed pretty safe. They weren't checking vaccine cards, but it was pretty obvious, this crowd was cool, responsible, and there to enjoy music and good cheer. I broke a couple guitar strings, as I am prone to do, (I like to play old strings, they are less bright, but there is the "law of diminishing returns" when the old strings start to snap), but I had a backup guitar at the ready, so the set flowed out smoothly anyway. This morning still in that warm glow of love. Yes, doing what you love to do. I recommend it.