Tuesday, November 02, 2021

A Squiggly Trail...

Thinking about Life. 

I have spent much of my life, ruminating over meanings, purpose, intent, hopes, dreams, adventures. Life has been a lifetime curriculum. It is a gnarly, complex topic that is frequently swimming and morphing around in my consciousness. 

I believe you can't "solve" Life, you can only experience it, and try to live it as best you can. I think it helps to live with clear-eyes and a clear head. Not always easy. I don't believe in those old dusty, musty books folks cling to and thump. Maybe there is wisdom to be found in some of those old the stories, parables, etc. But there is also wisdom to be found pretty much everywhere you look. Contemplate a leaf, a garden, a friend's face, your own hand, a bird's wing, etc.

My thinking about Life has grown, morphed, circled back, turned on itself. It's sort of like a wriggly snake, or worm, tossing itself this way and that, leaving a squiggly trail. I am "certain of nothing," except, I am alive now, doing the best I can with what I have at hand.

I live with Mystery. The Mystery of of it all. I am okay with that. I can't solve Life. Really. And I don't think it's my job either. I am here to experience, whatever I experience. Meanings, purpose, intent, hopes, dreams, adventures, much of that is all up to me, mixed with randomness, genetics, history, arbitrariness, luck & pluck. I just hope to live my days without getting totally crushed,  & smashed to bits. But everything is on the table. Life is a massive feast. You don't always get to choose.