Saturday, November 06, 2021

The Onion Idea!

What if the Universe was like an Onion?

You know, there are layers, upon layers; fragrant, pungent, useful as a garnish for sandwiches, stews, salads, etc. Flavorful. Delight-full on the tongue. Tantalizing your taste buds. But you know, it makes you cry too.

You want to get to the heart of it. What is this Onion/Universe made of? You peel, and peel and peel. Each layer falls away like a discarded wind-breaker. 

You want an answer, to get to a fundamental truth. Finally, you peel down to the last layer...  and then... nothing, just thin air...  ultimate meanings out of reach... 

There is an Onion, and then, there isn't. You are left with a zingy taste in your mouth, and a over-powering smell in your nose... that's it.