Friday, November 05, 2021

Stress Once Again...

A Three Act Play About Stress (see previous 2 posts)... 

Yes, so Life is stressful, no doubt. And often we can't flee or avoid stressful situations, relationships and events. In fact our lives are filled with those situations, relationships and events. They help define our lives.

So, you have to learn to recognize and navigate. You can embrace the stress and try to turn lemons into lemonade. You can try to overcome the stress, you can flee, and you can reformulate too.

Eliminate the things you hate, and cultivate the things you love. Simple formula. Maybe sounds simple-minded, but I do think it's the best way forward.

You will have to slog thru shit, you will have to deal with failure, death, destruction around every corner; you will want to "fight or flee" but, of course, sometimes you will just have to endure.

But you can stream-line your life. Hate your job? Get a new one. Yes, it is possible. Hate your co-workers? X them from your life.  Don't worry, there are plenty of folks you can be-friend. 

Someone once asked the film-maker Wes Craven why he always liked to work with the same crew on his movie sets, he explained: The Asshole Theory. Eliminate the Assholes. Life is too short.

And you know, stress is a killer.