Tuesday, November 09, 2021

The Byword: Gentle...

I am an excitable boy, (hat-tip to Warren Zevon), no doubt. I gravitate to fire. I hold fire in my hand every morning I fill my coffee cup up with a dark, invigorating brew. I like the feeling of energy flowing thru my body. I like to hype myself up. I like to animate my being. I do live with that William Blake idea: Energy is Eternal Delight.

Still, I can be over-bearing. I fill myself up, I become a raging river, and I can easily overflow the banks. I mean, I can be over-bearing even to me. Every cell in my body lit up, firing away, an army of cells looking for action. Sometimes, it is in this state where I really get myself into trouble. Say or do something provocative and stupid.

Stir shit up. Mess with the hornet's nest. The thoughts tumbling around in my head like an out of control dryer locked in the tumble cycle. Words pour out of me onto the page or into the air. God knows what I'm gonna say next. Even I am often surprised by the words that come pouring from my mouth.


My companion tells me "gentle" is the new byword. Ok. Yes. Gentle. Maybe I will take a psychic chill-pill. Take it down a notch. Say less. Turn inward. The flames are flaring away, but you know, this morning I am turning burners down a bit. I have so much to say about the world, politics, the culture wars raging in toxic media-scape, but well, I choose the gentle path, this morning, silence is golden.