Monday, November 08, 2021


A little vignette...

Yesterday. Golden. A golden fall day. The light is golden, I think, because of the tilt of planet Earth in relation to the Sun. A golden light falls upon everything. Leaves are dying, and bursting into gorgeous colors, the leaves are dry, multi-colored, blowing in the wind. The lesson: death comes as unexpected beauty.

Walking a little furry critter. Mid-day. The lake is like a smooth mirror, no waves, just glistening water in the golden light. It's all so beautiful and surreal. I walk off the path toward the water, and in tall grass I step into little perfectly formed hole. Where did that come from? Funny, the words in my head at that exact moment, "I feel so good." The thought and the step are simultaneous. Stepping into hole, nearly falling, tweaking my knee slightly. 

I step forward, slightly shaken, but fine. That's a golden moment right there. Bathing in the beauty, stepping into a void. Feeling great, rising with the light, stepping into a slight, empty darkness. The double-nature of existence.