Friday, October 29, 2021

Oasis of the Smartly and Responsibly Vaccinated...

Yeah. Don't have all the answers. Don't always have something to say. Sometimes I just type to type. It's a habit, one that I cling to dearly. Often I write to find out what's in my head. This morning up before the sun, looks like maybe the sun won't be out at all today. Dark, rainy, stormy day. Playing the Flying Burrito Brothers again this a.m. on the cd player.

We are happy around here, busy with plans. Onto the next thing is a nice survival strategy, wearing our optimistic goggles. We are sort of venturing out in this tentatively post-pandemic reality. Our little blue bubble is pretty much an oasis of the smartly and responsibly vaccinated. Fear of the virus has subsided a bit.

Our band has been rehearsing for an exciting round of upcoming shows. Finally, we expect to play some indoor venues, some of the finest music rooms in the land. That's pretty exciting, and a long time coming. There has been a slow progression: playing music outdoors in parks, on streets, in alleys. We will finally be venturing indoors once again, masked and a bit distant, but finally in a room! Onto the work. That is the best mode for us to be in. 

Writing and rehearsing songs. Making show posters. Strategizing how to expand our circle. Funny, in some quarters our band is being perceived as a "hot commodity." All our growth, all the attention, all the kind words and validation has come organically, slowly, steadily. It is amazing, we are doing all the things we've always done to make a creative statement, but lately we are being seen in a new light. Or maybe better to say, finally, we are being seen!

We don't take anything for granted. Just do the work. Steady, persistent, looking for those flashes of inspiration, being creative, casting seeds of light into the whirlwind. That is our creative mission. Happy that it continues, and the world is opening up a bit. Maybe not quite post-pandemic yet, but getting there, maybe, hopefully...