Saturday, October 30, 2021

Living in the Dark & Light...

Glimmers of sunshine, after a few days of clouds and rain. You know the weather is the weather, we are NOT the weather, but no doubt, the weather has a major influence on our heads, our hearts, our emotions,  feelings and spirits. Maybe it shouldn't be so, maybe in a perfect world (there are no perfect worlds), the weather shouldn't so determinative of what's happening with us, but, the reality: it does. Plus if you are pelted with a hard, cold rain on your bicycle heading to an appointed round, you literally are wading thru, fighting past, enduring heavy weather, you end up wearing the weather, can't help absorbing a bit of it into your being.

So, yeah, like I said, cloudy, rainy and a bit dark the last few days. This morning, glimmers, only a few small glimmers, of light. That must be enough. A nice, long, hard sleep, feeling a bit refreshed, the coffee is powerful, the music on the box is all Led Zeppelin, (the first four albums), so lots of light and shadow,  drama, a bit of caterwauling, over the top, maximum blues, and rock and roll. Plus some nice acoustic guitar playing, I mean, you really can't sum up that band, lots of dimension and a full range of dynamics. Perfect soundtrack for an open-ended day, living in someone else's mansion by the lake with another furry little critter.  Might get a bit feral, off the ranch today. No expectations, nothing to live up to, just living in the moment and the dark & light.