Monday, October 18, 2021


Missed blogging the last two days. It's rare for me.  I just happened to find myself unconnected from the web. Staying at an undisclosed location. Radio silence. Incommunicado.  A forced silence.

It's been a bit refreshing. Letting the world pass me by without a word. I mean, of course, my head was swimming with words, my body was flooded with emotions, but I pretty much kept it all to myself. Feeling a bit detached. Not alienated. Just detached.  

I sat in a backyard garden space yesterday afternoon. Someone's else's little secret garden. Sunshine pouring down. Tall green grass. Big, looming trees, lots of greenery all around. Quiet. Hushed.

A big, majestic hawk sat up in tree; he seemed to be looking down at me. He then lofted himself upward, and floated over to another tree;  his awesome wings glinting, flashing in the sunlight, and then, mysteriously, he vanished. Later I discovered a bloodied rabbit, dead in tall grass. The hawk must have chased him down, killed him and feasted on him. Poor little rabbit, blood and life dribbling out, dead and gone.

Sun, greenery, silence, swift action, beak, claw, blood and death.  A glimpse of the story. Complete.