Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Gentle Chip...

Sometimes (maybe not often enough), you wake up, and you are just happy to be alive. Breathing. Walking. Talking. Thinking. Blue sky and puffy cumulus clouds in your dreams. You meet the day as an equal. 

Maybe still feeling a bit detached, dislocated. You are in the world but not of it, or maybe it's the other way around, you are of the world, but not in it. Or, maybe it's both (or neither), at the same time.

You can count on being confused, and tricky. Even to yourself.

Lately I have been feeling detached, and I have bit of chip on my shoulder. My friend tells me it's best to meet the day with a gentle demeanor, so let's say that this chip on my shoulder is a gentle chip.

So, yeah, but, anyway, happy. Alive. Happy to be alive. And still....