Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Richer, Deeper, More Complicated...

Go-to phrases for me:

From the Firesign Theatre two of the finest...

1. We are all Bozos on this Bus.
2. Everything You Know is Wrong.


1. I am Certain of Nothing.

Those seem like good starting points for a life of adventure. Life, you know, the thing we are working thru?

Reality is our great teacher. See what is in front of our noses. Alive, Aware, Awake. It seems to me that we are here to try our best to discern what is "true," and what really, IS. To best understand what comes thru our "senses five."

We must remember that our experience is limited, even if it feels like everything.

Also, we must be aware of our biases. It is so easy to fall into lazy thinking. Stereotypes. False characterizations. That's how we get to the great human fallacies: prejudice, racism, white-supremacy and other pernicious idiocies.

At the same time, it is true, sometimes people do act like a stereotype. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. But, then again, they can blind us.

Of course, I have my own blind-spots, if you are a White, Southern, Evangelical, MAGA-hat wearing, Anti-Vaxxer, it is hard for me to see past those idiotic signifiers. My first reaction would be: WTF? What happened to you, that you descend to such an idiotic state? My tendency would be to dismiss you, steer clear, move on.

AND my Progressive, Blue-Bubble, Bullshit Detector goes on high alert when anyone starts a sentence with...

The Muslims...
The Christians...
The Jews...
The Mexicans...
The Blacks...
The Homosexuals...
The Polish...
The Germans...

You know folks talking about "the Other Ones..."

It's best to remember that People are Tricky. And Life, Reality, Human Beings are richer, deeper, more complicated, contradictory, exciting, and unpredictable than we can imagine.

Imagine that, Dear Pilgrim.