Thursday, September 09, 2021

Meet Your Nemesis...

Meet your Nemesis: "the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris, arrogance before the gods." So, according to the Greeks, our first Nemesis is hubris & arrogance. Check!

I may be wrong, but I believe that the Goddess Nemesis can also inhabit Human Beings. And part of life & of growing up, is dealing with these personal incarnations of the Goddess Nemesis.

My first Nemesis was a fat kid, a neighborhood bully, who liked to pick on me, who used to beat me up, sit on my chest, and make me eat dirt. One year, I got in a lucky punch, a wild swing, that bloodied his nose. That was the end of the bullying. That fat kid was the first Nemesis I defeated.

It was liberating.

I have met my own special Nemesis other times along my journey. As an adult, I find that my Nemesis appears as a friend, a business associate, a collaborator,  someone unique, special, someone at first blush who seems like an important person to embrace.

This is probably the most dangerous Nemesis you can conjure. Someone so close to you, you can feel their breath on your shoulder. They work on you with smiles, kindness, and social niceties. You have major affinities with this person. They seem like an important friend and ally.

If I review my history on the planet, I see that my Nemesis has always provoked a major confrontation and a deep existential crisis. I either had to outright defeat them, or walk away, lick my wounds, and try my best to recharge & reformulate my life. I can see major pivot points in my life, where my Nemesis reared up, and I had to rise to meet them, and vanquish, or be vanquished. Sometimes it was a draw. A long slow retreat.

And then a slow renewal.

The Nemesis is out to destroy you. The most dangerous ones my even be unaware that their mission is to totally nullify you as a person & creative spirit.

A new one has made itself known to me. Yesterday it was clear.  The mask slipped. A new Nemesis I must contend with emerged. Funny. I didn't see it coming. And of course, that's part of the deal. 

I know what to do. I can survive this, but some hard decisions and actions are required. Life is funny that way.