Saturday, September 25, 2021



Decisions you make today, can have massive, unforeseen consequences down the line. That is the reality of being Human; making snap decisions with partial, sometimes faulty, or completely wrong information at your fingertips.

Everything goes down on your permanent record. You can choose amnesia later, but it only goes so far. Denial is a strategy with clear limits. You can and will be wrong. Often. Hopefully, you survive, make it thru unscathed, or only partially-scathed, you end up with some character-making scars, but if you are lucky (where does luck come from?), you hold it together, are able to stand upright to face another day, to make other decisions.

Sometimes you "know what's right." Sometimes you do what "feels right." Sometimes this works out ok, sometimes it really, really doesn't. You want to take Spike Lee's advice: "Do the Right Thing," but often that right thing is obscure, obstructed, a scampering Chimera just out of your grasp.

You can see pivot points in your life. They are guided by "Yes," "No, and "Maybe." Being right, being wrong in the heat of the moment.  Knowing when "Yes," can be deadly, and "No" can be life-saving, or, you know, sometimes the other way around.

You want to avoid being "Dead Right," or "Dead Wrong." But it's a crap shoot every time.