Friday, September 24, 2021

Cool Temps/Cool Head.

It's cooler around here. Good temps for sleeping. Feeling calm, clear-headed, detached. All my trials and tribulations seem like a faded memory. That shit can't touch me now. The coffee brew is potent, fires me up. I discovered Not Milk and it's my new favorite thing. Add a bit of it to a hot mug of coffee and you really have some sweet-tasting, light & refreshing rocket fuel. No, I am not a paid product endorser, but I am a new fan of Not Milk Whole! I still drink Oat Milk too, but man, Not Milk is the real deal.

Listening to Ray Charles this morning. I am a Beatles/Stones/Dylan guy, but you know, no one is as good as Ray Charles.  An unmatched body of work. A trail-blazer, boundary-crosser, innovator, an American original. This morning every song on the Anthology I am spinning is a dagger to the heart, a soulful infusion of good feeling. Amazing. Energizing. Gives me joy, and hope. I wonder what today will bring? I am ready.