whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Sunday, May 02, 2021

A Tenative Step into a Post-Covid Reality...

Yesterday. Sunny & warm. 

We took what seemed like an important, significant, and tentative step into a post-covid reality. We rented a car and drove out to visit family, you know the people we grew up with, have shared large swaths of experience with; flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood. We are all unique individuals now, with separate lives. We've been away from each other for a long time due to the anxiety-fueled ordeal of the global pandemic lockdown.

Five of us gathered together. All of us vaxxed and healthy. We celebrated that fact with a pizza party and an outdoor music jamboree. We were able to hug, and touch, and high-five and pull down our masks and smile. So liberating. So much fun. There was a palpable joy in the air. A bubble of love surrounded us. The pizza was phenomenal,  playing music was engaging and enriching.

It is amazing what we take for granted. Sometimes you have to lose, or be denied, something to really, really appreciate it. So, yes, just to be together was pretty amazing. Joyous. It was long, fruitful day. Unlike many of our days over this last year. Special. Different. Life-affirming. Post-covid. I highly recommend it: a simple, easy to get vaccine is life-changing at a truly fundamental level. Definitely worth it.

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