whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Finally. You turn to "bromides" from other minds, great and small. What is a bromide? "A phrase, cliche, or platitude that is trite or unoriginal." You know, like a simple, undeniable truth. I remember reading David Foster Wallace, and he pointed out that those cliches bandied about in rehab & recovery, those insipid words that are often found on Hallmark cards, are actually useful tools in living our lives. For instance: "Fake it to make it." Or "One day at a time." And "This too shall pass." Words that can save a life, no doubt.

"I have always relied on the kindness of strangers." Blanche Dubois, Streetcar Named Desire.

Yes, Blanche, haven't we all. I mean, isn't that what civil society is? What civilization means?

Right. Sounds sappy. Too easy. But WTF, isn't that what it's all about? I mean we have a shit-ton to worry about every day, but why worry ourselves sick? We are here to live. Live and be happy. It's worth giving it a try.

"Run to daylight." Vince Lombardi 

He was talking about football, what's a running back with a football in his hands supposed to do? But you know, I find that one useful from that great Coach. Daylight. Run to the light. Yes, of course. Never forget the light.

"I never promised you a Rose Garden." - Hannah Green

Right. We are here to make it. Plant your own roses. Cultivate them. Feed and water them. Tend to your own garden my friend. Make that promise to yourself.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." - Vince Lombardi

Back to the Coach. This one used to drive me mad. But it's true. There will be tough-going ahead. No doubt. It's just nature of our existence. You don't want to be too tough, but tough enough. You don't want to grow rigid, fixed in your ways, too hard, or callous to the beauty of the world. But you do want to be disciplined, mentally tough enough to keep going. To always be moving, morphing, growing. That's a life worth living.

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