Thursday, February 11, 2021

Trump's American Atrocity...

We listened to day two of the Impeachment Trial in the Senate via NPR. We didn't watch the video imagery, we listened to the words, the descriptions, and imagined the carnage in our reeling minds.

As we all know, at least those of us paying attention, this is not a "real trial," it's a political trial, the jurors are the 100 Senators of the USA. Not an impartial group, in fact these jurors are witnesses, and in the case of many of the Republicans, accomplices (see previous post) to the American Atrocity of the January 6 Capitol Riot & Insurrection.

It was not easy listening. It was harrowing, chilling, mind-boggling. It seems the country came very close to a wild mob taking hostages and murdering our elected officials. What to make of it all? Here are a few key words for me, I think these are words that will turn up in History Books years from now:

Trump's Big Lie
Trump's Murderous Mob
Trump's Incitement
Trump's Insurrection
Trump's Crime
Trump's Dereliction of Duty
Trump's effort to overturn a Free and Fair Election

Our Toxic, Gaseous Little Baby Man Dirigible really did go out with a bang. He should be held accountable, he should be convicted, and barred from any future office, but of course, nearly half the jury is quite biased, so probably not. But the stain on the country is indelible, un-erasable.

Trump's American Atrocity, January 6, 2021, a day that will live in infamy...